We headed to Grand Island to see the Grandparents and they kept the girls for a couple of days. We had some family fun! Uncle Shawn.... Christopher and CJ.... Grandpa taking everyone for a ride in the golf cart..... Gotta love green brownies.....
Here are a few highlights from Christmas. We spent Christmas Eve at Aunt Mag's, then Christmas morning and all day at home. It is so nice to not have to travel house to house and just enjoy the holiday with the kids. We are so thankful our family comes over and joins us! Of course Santa was VERY good to us this year...
The girls with cousin Katelyn, look at all those gifts.....
Rylie and Aunt Mag with her new snuzzy blanket....
Our tradition of new PJ's, Daddy had some too.....
Santa came....
Aunt Melissa, Cousin Lexi and the girls after all the present chaos playing some Go fish....
Rylie had her preschool Christmas Program. She did something very unexpected...she went up to the microphone before the song and started talking into it. She has changed so much! The kids are so funny because we practice and practice but you never know what will happen when all the parents are there watching. Of course they were adorable singing Away in a Manger.... She has the green dress with white bow....
Rylie was obsessed with the Nativity Scene this year. It was really cute because anytime we drove by one or saw one somewhere she would be so excited. She is Mary's biggest fan for sure! We decided to go to a Live Nativity at a nearby church with some friends.
Rylie was so funny. They had stations for each part of the story they were telling. Well once we got to a party with Mary in it she was right up in the front row yelling "Hi Mary". Mary couldn't really talk to her because she was acting out her part but she finally did get a small wave at one of the stations.
I know its been too long! I have been procrastinating because I have so many pictures I want to share and I was planning to do a super long post so I can share them all but I still haven't done it so I will just do a bunch of small ones until I am caught up. That way you get in the habit of coming here more often anyway. The girls starting their Advent calendars (and Dora too).... That's all for now but better than nothing :o)