Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A visit with Angel and a birthday party

I have been procrastinating on doing this blog because I feel so far behind.....so here goes some of what I have been holding out on.
Rylie's class "The Angels" has a mascot and one of the kids get to take it home and take care of it over the weekend and then you write in the journal to share with the class. Rylie got to go first and she had "Angel" over labor day weekend. They have a boy and a girl and of course she chose the boy. That's Rylie...didn't surprise me one bit. She was so excited.

Angel went to dance class....

Angel visited with cousin Katelyn.....
During this weekend we had a small party for Gracie's and Chris' birthday with Chris' family. It was lots of fun. Angel came to the party too.

Gracie got the new Hannah Montana movie and started watching it but I guess she was too tired from the big day....
I wanted to do something special for her at school on her actual birthday and she requested Star Hannah Montana brownies. I am not sure where my kids come up with these wild ideas but I put in my best effort.
I wasn't able to go to school because I was working but the container came home empty so I guess they were a hit.
Happy 6th Birthday Gracie!
I had no idea how much my life would change on September 3rd, 2002. I am so happy to be a Mommy and am so excited to continue growing our love and have fun together. Gracie is so smart, independent and beautiful. We love you big girl!


Julie Walter Photography The Blog said...

I can't believe she fell asleep in the chair like that lol. Umm, SIX? Still hard to believe!!! How cute is she? Rylie and her boy angel, so sweet!

Anonymous said...

I'm late making a comment. Julie was on the computer at 1:12AM. Aunt Mag was in dream land, I don't know how you young mother's do it.Old Nana's have to have their beauty sleep,but this old Nana recognizes #1 Moms.Darcie has let me peep at Julie's blog and she is working just as hard as Darcie's with her three little ones. GO GIRLS!!!!!! Speaking of Nana's Darcie's Mom did a GREAT job taking care of the grand children,when Darcie and Chris were on the cruise. They came and spent the day with Aunt Mag Sat. Valerie had it all under control. I guess old Nana's are good for somthing.
Waiting for the next blog.

Anonymous said...

Rylie is so cute with her angel she got to take home. That is so special! Those brownies you made look great! It sounds like the kids loved them.