Monday, August 18, 2008

Big Day at our house

So Gracie started Kindergarten today, and Rylie started Pre-K. They were both thrilled as the alarm clock went off this morning. They have had their clothes layed out for days in anticipation.

Of course Gracie went with not a problem. She told me earlier in the week that I didn't need to walk in that I could just drop her off. Needless to say Mommy wasn't doing that. Got to get a couple of pictures of that first day.

Rylie also marched right into her class and sat down. I am so amazed how much she has changed from this time last year.

When we went to pick up Gracie and Christopher saw her walking in the line he started squealing. It was so cute. She said she had lots of fun and was excited she got to take her lunchbox to a restaurant.
It really stinks that school is canceled tomorrow and probably Wednesday. Praying that everyone stays safe in the storm.


Julie ( THE Queen of TyPo'S) This chic can't spell!!! said...

I thought i posted on this one, hmm? Anyway, glad it went well. They look so cute all ready to go.

Anonymous said...

It's the begining of Gracie's special days. First day of school, graduation,going away to collage,graduation, married, baby etc. She just took her first step into the world and away from mama. :(
Aunt Mag's two cent worth.