Thursday, January 10, 2008

Happy New Year!

We had a fun evening here at the Abb house. Chris had to do the early shift at work so he was in bed early and that left the kids and I to party it up for the new year. We had a fun party. Gracie requested fruit salad, Rylie brownies and I wanted Mozzarella sticks. So that's what was on the menu. Christopher only made it until around 9:30 and then he conked out on us.

So the girls and I played the Wii High School musical most of the night until it was time for the ball to drop. Gracie is really good at this game, it just amazes me. Basically what you do is sing the songs from the movie and then it gives you a grade based on your pitch, tune and some other things. She gets A+ (Rock Star) on several songs, especially the slower more dramatic ones. Rylie and I settle for mostly C's (keep on Trying) We got a B every once in a while.

Gracie didn't really get why we had to turn it off right before midnight for the countdown but once she figured it out she was all into it. We counted down and ran outside with our noisemakers and screamed and watched the fireworks. We came in and told Daddy Happy New Year and I think we were all in bed by 12:10. Hope you all had a great New Years and we are looking forward to see what excitement 2008 has in store for us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It almost made me cry. You are having such a good time with the kids. Next year I'm coming over. :-)