Thursday, January 10, 2008

Some Random Days

School went back this week, the girls were so happy. Rylie woke up Monday morning telling me to get up its time to go to school. For those who don't remember, this is a HUGE difference from her 6 months ago. Mommy was happy school was back too :)

Christopher went on his first coin operated "ride" I guess you would call it. I chose to use the firetruck...can you believe they cost 75 cents! Well started off good he was smiling but as soon as the siren came on he stuck out his bottom lip and got very mad. I didn't get to catch the madness on camera because he was leaning to get off. Guess I won't be starting that habit at the mall....just think of all the money I will save although he does like Auntie Anne's pretzels.

The girls love storytime at the library. They have one at night that they call bedtime stories. The kids wear their pj's and they do some dancing and tell some stories and always finish with a puppet show. It's pretty fun actually so thanks for paying your taxes so we can have libraries.

I took Christopher to the park the other day to get some fresh air and swing a bit. Well I guess new parks don't have swings! What is this world coming to? The last time I took him to swing at a different park the swings were all down. Anyway this new park has artificial grass which was great since Christopher's not walking and he didn't hardly get dirty.

Christopher and I met our friends Brandon and Nancy at the library for baby storytime. The weather has been so great so afterwards we decided to take the boys to the park. Trying to get these two in the same picture was quite challenging.

So as of right now its back to normal life here. I can't believe Christopher is turning 1 in 9 days, that's crazy to me! Have fun and be back soon!


Anonymous said...

Looks like fun day.


Anonymous said...

That's so funny - William only likes to sit on those coin-operated things also. He doesn't like when they move at all. But he could play on the stationary truck all day if I'd let him.

Joyce and Wiley said...

I'm having a great time following your days with your family! Thanks for sharing, and say "hi" to everyone from their "Aunt" Joyce.