Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Santa was good

Well I guess all the kids were on the good list this year, Santa brought some serious loot. Christmas morning I actually woke up first and couldn't stand to think of missing the initial excitement so I went and laid on the couch. Chris soon followed. It seemed like forever but then all of a sudden I heard Gracie say, "Rylie its morning, come on wake up" They had been instructed to wake us up first but I wasn't so sure that would happen. Chris and I hid in the kitchen and instead of heading to the presents they went to see if Santa ate his cookies and the reindeer their food. They were so excited. We had to go wake up Christopher so he wouldn't miss any of the fun.

I'd have to say this was my best Christmas yet. I can't imagine what the next few years will be like, lots of chaos I am sure. That's what makes it fun right?

Gracie is obsessed with drawing, she wanted me to take a picture of this artwork.

Christopher's hair keeps getting curlier and curlier...you can see it some in this picture. Plus I just think this picture is cute~

I am going to figure out this picture thing so there isn't all this unused space so bear with me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wish I there, it looks like such fun. You are making memories :-)