Tuesday, October 7, 2008

100 Years!

The Church of the Nazarene celebrated its 100th Anniversary this past weekend. The church we go to is a Nazarene church so over the last month leading up to the celebration I have been learning so much about the history of the church. Our church celebrated along with over 18,000 churches across the world and we had a special service from a Superintendent of the Church of the Nazarene. The elementary kids also joined in the celebration and were asked to bring or wear something relating to the number "100".
Here is Gracie in her 100 shirt. She loved making it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Darcie, as I look at your blog, I can see where you are meeting your children needs mentality, physically and spiritually. We are three part, body, mind and spirit.You are doing a GREAT job.
Aunt MAG